Painting & Orchestration

Winter Stream - Part Two

Scott works Winter Stream toward finish.

33min 35sec


  • Understand background trees and bushes.
  • Orchestrate major shapes and finer marks.

Note how snow values and shapes in light are developed.


  • Build it up
  • Take it down
  • Find out what you want the painting to say

Compare the final painting to the photo. Journal the major difference you notice.

Journal the techniques and passages you found interesting. Develop at least two gestures of each.

Make a color value scale for the final Winter Stream painting using the palette listed in Materials.

Listen to the episode and journal Scott's understanding of the landscape (e.g., as "water gets closer it warms"). Begin to build a library of landscape fundamentals.

As you observe the final painting:

  • Identify the shapes, colors and values that move the viewers eye.
  • Observe Scott's final palette and generalize about how he has managed his color pools. How does this compare to your palette at the end of a painting?
  • Journal your understanding in both words and sketches.


  • Cadmium Yellow Pale
  • Naples Yellow
  • Venetian Red
  • Alizarin Crimson
  • Ultramarine Blue
  • Cobalt Blue
  • Holbein Gray #1
  • White

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Winter Stream Photo