Painting & Orchestration

Winter Stream - Part One

In Part One, Scott works on intention, develops several alternative compositions and paints the core of the idea.

38min 36sec

Intention from the photo reference:

  • Closer
  • Warm / cool shadows
  • Stronger blues
  • Palette: Ochre, Venetian, Alizarin

Can you identify any color mixes that don't have the the three primaries Scott has selected?

As you watch the episode, identify three areas and create at least one gesture for each.

Before you watch Part Two, journal ideas for how you would finish the painting.


  • Cadmium Yellow Pale
  • Naples Yellow
  • Venetian Red
  • Alizarin Crimson
  • Ultramarine Blue
  • Cobalt Blue
  • Holbein Gray #1
  • White

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Winter Stream Photo